development blog for the wicked stuff we encounter

i've personally never ever faced with this problem, that I've completely lost the control over MySql. Somehow - I dunno how - I totaly locked out myself from the database :) I found some information on the web on how to deal with this problem, but I have a solution for other Fedora users, because none of the others' will work on this installation: 1) You need to completely stop MySql. Running service mysqld stop is not enough, you need to type the following (with root or with the mysql user): kill `cat /var/run/mysqld/` 2) If nothing shows up on the screen, this is golden silence - so you were successful. If you see a 'cat: var/run/mysql/ No such file or directory' error, then please run: slocate .pid (you need to have slocate installed either by apt-get or yum) - it will show up the list of all pid files on your server - there you can find out, where mysqld stores its. 3) A new mysqld must be started with the parameter --skip-grant-tables. The main problem is, that other distributions have the safemode version under the name mysqld_safe, but under Fedora, of course it is safe_mysqld... So type in the following: safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables & Now the server replied with someting like the following: Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql. 4) Enter: mysql -u root 5) Execute the following SQL: UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('your-new-password') WHERE User='root'; (you need to change the your-new-password string to the desired root password) 6) Then: FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Now you'll have a clean and newly passed root acount to your own server ;) Easy, isn't it?


Comment by brasilghana

Thank you. I did however use

# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

in my Fedora Core 4

Comment by brasilghana

Thank you. I did however use

# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

in my Fedora Core 4

Comment by Amit Chavan

In Fedora 18 I did
1. service mysqld stop
2. mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
3. mysql -u root
4. UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD(''root'') WHERE User=''root'';
6. service mysqld start
7. mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
8. mysql>

Amit Chavan