Ubuntu linux on my gericom x5 force
I've just installed the Ubuntu linux version 5.04 - the so called Hoary Hedgehog (what a crazy name?!) and it just works fine. Anyway, some workarounds were needed, because I downloaded the iso, and then burned it with Roxio ToastIt! on 24x, and it failed to install the base system while I was in normal install mode.
I burned another CD with 8x speed, failed again - so I changed to "server" mode at the boot prompt (the expert mode simply failed on initializing the IDE devices.. argh) - finally, I was able to install the base system, so I had a Linux on my winchester.
Ubuntu goes the Mac OS X way - the root user is disabled. You need to sudo everything, which is boring. On my powerbook, i've started with re-enabling root, here i will not spend my valueable time on it ;)
To get a working XServer, you need to type:
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
This command will install all stuff, and it will work fine. If your CD is broken as my one, simply sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
and remove or comment out the line that adds the CD's repository - so you'll be able to install the Gnome desktop too.
If you need midnight commander, uncomment the Ubuntu software universe repositories as well ;), then you can do: sudo apt-get install mc
If you have an LCD display, and eventually try to run it with Nvidia driver, you need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file: you need to disable the dri mode, so comment out the Load "dri" line under the Section "Module". You need to modify the settings for the default Monitor as well: Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Generic Monitor"
HorizSync 30.0 - 130.0
VertRefresh 50.0 - 160.0
Option "Flatpanel"
Now, you'll see the desktop in other resolution than the original 640x480 ;)
To the folks out there using the buggy old Via 8233 cards with Via Technologies VIA1612A chipsets, and you hear distorted and wicked sound, you need to add the following to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base : options snd-pcm-oss dsp_map=1
and restart the computer, or do update-modules. goodbye scratchy sound ;)